101)To help you search building safely?
a) Communication with control room and any other patrolling officers
b) Time of day, daylight or darkness
c) Is the building hot or cold
102) To help you search building safely?
a) Time of day, daylight or darkness
b) Are the building floors wet or sandy
c) Purpose of the building
103) One of the principles whilst searching with a team?
a) Coordinated movement between searches
b) Break timings
c) Who is in charge of the search teams
104) One of the principles whilst searching with a team?
a) Maintain a cordon around the Building being searched
b) Turn light off when finished searching the building
c) Search all person coming in and out of building
105) Any paperwork should submitted to ?
a) Commanding officer of the camp or building
b)Canteen manager c) Control room communications’ logger
106) Paper work should be?
a) Presented for the public to read
b) Filed correctly in the control room
c) Shredded
107) Before conducting any patrol what should you do with your personal radio?
a) Radio check to the control room
b) Change battery
c) Turn the radio off
108) When out patrolling you should report back the control room you what ?
a) Mental health b) Location c) Weather stasis
109) When out patrolling after the hourse of darkness you should always carry a ?
a) Flashlight/ Torch b) Telephone c) Night viewing goggles
110) Reason for patrolling?
a) Protection of life b) Protection of wildlife c) Protection of grassed areas
111) Reason for patrolling?
a) Save money
b) Protection of property and premises
c) Makes the sift goes quicker
112) Benefits of a foot patrol?
a) Reducing response time to an incident
b) Makes shift go quicker
c) Saves wear and tear on any patrol vehicles
113) Information entered into a note book should be?
a) Assumption b) Facts c) Drawings
114) Information entered into a note book should be?
a) Conics b) English c) Security officer thought
115) Information entered into a note book should be ?
a) Drawing b) Factual c) Assumption
116) A fact is?
a) Is any detail can be proven to be true
b) Is any detail that be drawn
c) Is any detail that recorded on a cell phone
117) An assumption is ?
a) Something you think that happened
b) Is an interpretation of a situation without definite proof
118) Evidence is ?
a) An item recovered from the same area as the incident
b) Any sample, item or recording that can support a point of view
c) Eye witness account of the incident
119) Is your note book legal document? ( Yes / No / May be )
120) When on duty , the following should be recorded?
a) Date b) Home address c) cell phone number
121) When on duty, the following should be recorded?
a) Time started and finished
b) Cell phone number
c) Weather condition in indoors
122) What colored pen should be used to write in your note book?
a) Blue b) Red c) Black
123) Can you as a officer leave blank page in your notebook? ( Yes / No/ Some time )
124) How many human senses are there?
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7
125) Name one human senses?
a) Smiling b) Touch c) Sneezing
126) What sense would be identify alarms?
a) Smell b) Hearing c) Sight
127) Humans are able to detect visually in response to 6 characteristic which are?
a) Movement b) space c) Moonlight
128) Humans are able to detect visually in response to 6 characteristic which are?
a) Signal b) Shadow c) Sunlight
129) How to record a description of person?
a) Build b) Teeth c) Skin colour
130) How to record a description of person?
a) Shoes b) clothing c) Smile
131) How to record the description of a vehicle?
a) Window tints b) Shape c) How many wheels the vehicle has
131) How to record the description of a vehicle?
a) Make a model b) Engine size c) How many passengers
132) How to record the description of a vehicle?
a) Engine size b) Identify featuresc) Alloy wheels or steel
133) How to record the description of a person?
a) Elevation/ Height b) Shoes worn c) Watch
134) The purpose of a traffic management plan is?
a) Maintain the safety of all vehicles and people on site
b) Keep traffic flowing in the same direction
c) Keep lorries and car separate
135) The purpose of a traffic management plan is ?
a) Make security staff aware of what is permitted of vehicles on the site
b) Stop staff from leaving cars anywhere on site
c) To remove all red cars from site
136) Reading a traffic management plan will normally include the following
a) Members of staff who are allowed to park on site
b) Traffic access permissions c) Security officers shift timings
137) Reading a traffic management plan will normally include the following information about?
a) Hours of the site rush hour
b) Hoarse of the shop timings
c) Hours of operation for entry points
138) Reading a traffic management plan will normally include the following information about?
a) Parking for bicycles
b)Parking timings
c) Parking location and restrictions
139) Giving site induction briefing to drives security staff should explain the following ?
a) Time the driver needs to leave the site
b) What coloured cars go where
c) Parking zones
140) Giving site induction briefing to drives security staff should explain the following ?
a) Site canteen b) Parking zones for motorbikes c) First aid location
141) Giving site induction briefing to drives security staff should explain the following ?
a) Smart and pressed uniform
b) Site map
c) Shift timings
142) When directing traffic always?
a) Wear a high visibility vest
b) Wear sun glasses
c) Wear your issued cap
143) When directing traffic always?
a) Always smile and be polite
b) Identify an escape route if a vehicle is out of control
c) Direct traffic from inside your security hut
144) When enforcing parking violation on site you can issue a ?
a) Verbal warning b) A window sticker c) Parking fines and tickets
145) Security officer needs to be family with all of site traffic restrictions why ?
a) T control all vehicles on site
b) Help visitors park in the correct bays whilst on site
c) Speed up exit by car at the end of the working shift
146) A traffic management plan is to help the security officer do what ?
a) Decide what time employees leave the site
b) Maintain safety of people and vehicles
c) What coloured cars can enter the site on that day
147) When direction traffic always?
a) Identify an escape route just in case the vehicle loses control
b) Just let the traffic flow
c) Be polite and smile
148) Traffic management plan will normally contain?
a) Map b) Shift handover notes c)What time care are allowed on site program
149) Reading a traffic management plan will normally include the following information about?
a)Who commands the site information
b) Enforcement and escalation procedure
c) Shift handover and takeover procedures
150) Name two types of traffic typically seen on a site?
a) Car and airplane
b) Lorry and car
c) Motorbike and cars
151) Security staff should explain the following information when briefing a drive on the site?
a) What time they must leave the site
b) Parking zones outside the site
c) Routes permitted
152) Giving site induction brief to visitors security staff should have?
a) Map b) Watch c) Compass
153) Directing traffic always wear?
a) Hat and gloves b) Hi viz vest c) Sunglass
154)Both arms crossed above your head means what?
a) Come forward b) Left turn c) stop
155) A type of enforcement on site is?
a) Clamping of vehicles
b) Removing the person keys from the vehicle
c) Letting tyres down
156) Name one human sense?
a) Hearing b) Smiling c) Walking
157) What sense would be used to identify alarms?
a) smell b) Hearing c) Sight
158) A type of enforcement on site is?
a) Removing the person keys form the vehicle
b) Letting tyres down
c) Clamping of vehicles
159) A sit map should contain the following information?
a) Parking areas b) Date of when map was compiled c) Zone
160) What is a vehicle search bay?
a) A place where people are searched
b) An area specifically designed to carry out vehicle searches
c) A place where both people and vehicles are searched
161) What is a traffic controller?
a) The person responsible for direction vehicles forward in a queue to be searched or not
b) A person responsible for radio communications
c) The person responsible for the barrier operation
162) What is a searcher?
a) The person of people responsible for physically inspection the vehicle
b) The person in charge of the barrier
c) The person in charge of the telephone
163) Should a searcher request permission to conduct the search?
a) Yes, always b) never c)some time
164) What percentage of random searches on vehicles should be conducted on entering a site?
a) 40% b) 30% c) 20%
165) Should a vehicle search bay have waring sigh on approach?
a) Yes always b) Never c) some time
166) Should a vehicle search bay have an entry point control
a) No b) Sometimes c) Always
167) Should a vehicle search bay have a prohibited item temporary storage are?
a) yes b) No c) sometime
168) What does UVSM stand for ?
a) Under vehicle song man
b) Uber voz selotape muze
c) Under vehicle search mirror
169) Should you have a hand torch for your daily duties?
a) yes b) No c) sometimes
170) What item of PPE should be warn to ensure you are see on duty ?
a) a hard hart b) A pair of safety boots c) A reflective vest
171) Is CCTV a necessity on a vehicle search area?
a) Yes b) If required by SOP’s c) No
172) Why are gloves warn in your duties?
a) To keep you hands warm
b) To protect against injury when handling sharp or jagged objected
c) To look good
173) Where should the use of canines be most effectively utilized?
a) In low risk areas
b) In particular high threat locations
c) In minimal risk , benign location
174)How should the rate of traffic be controlled entering a vehicle search bay lane?
a) By the use of flags
b) By the use of voice calls and whistle blasts
c) By the use of effective communication by all members of the search team and
175) Why may a driver of a vehicle be removed from the vehicle at the search point?
a) High threat environment requires detailed searching
b) The driver is acting a strange
c) If required by sop’s
176) What should happen if a suspected package is located whilst searching the vehicle?
a) Run away
b) Remain calm , evacuate the search bay area, call the police
c) Give the driver a ticket and direct them to the main HQ
177) Should a searcher request permission to conduct the search?
a) At his/ Her discretion
b) Sometimes
c) Yes , always
178) How should the UVSM be used in conjunction with a vehicle search?
a) Star at the front and work to the rear of the vehice
b) Star at the rear and work to the front of the vehice
c) Star any where you want
179) What should happen happen on refusal to let vehicle be searched?
a) Let the vehicle through anyway
b) Quarantine the vehicle and report the incident
c) Nothing
180) Should all vehicles that are searched be logged? ( Yes /No / sometime)
181) What peace of PPE should be warn for protection from the sun?
a) A pair of gloves b) A sun hat c) A reflective vest
182) What is the main purpose of a complete vehicle X-ray?
a) To look at the engine components in detail
b) To ensure the vehicle has enough fuel to manage the journey
c) To be able to x-eray a vehicle providing the operator with images to analyses
183) What is he purpose of the handheld explosive trace detector?
a) To detect only explosive material
b) To detect both explosive and narcotic substances
c) To detect split fuel
184) If conducting a vehicle search with a partner how should it be cared out?
a) Start diagonally and move in a clockwise direction
b) Start diagonally and move in an anti-clockwise direction
c) None of these
185) What is the main aim of searching people at a site?
a)To make life hard for the visitor
b) To Give the visitor a bad experience and not come back
c) To protect visitors, property and information
186) Can a theft be foiled through searching of a visitor of employee? ( Yes/No/maybe)
187) On arrival at a site of building what should a visitor do first?
a) Book out b) Book in c) Take the lift
188) What does WTMD stand for?
a) With the metal detector
b) Walk through metal detector
c) Withheld time means detector
189) What does HHMD stand for?
a) Hand held metal detector
b) Held hand metal detector
c) Metal detector hand held
190) What areas need special attention when using the HHMD?
a) The waist , head
b) Pocket areas, ankles
c) The Waist under the arms ankles pocket areas
191) What is the detection capability of the HHMD for a pistol ?
a) 32cm b) 44cm c)22cm
192) What is the detection capability of the HHMD for a Knife?
a) 15cm b) 30cm c)60cm
193) What is the detection capability of the HHMD for a Razor blade?
a) 9cm b) 16cm c) 7cm
194) What is the detection capability of the HHMD for a joilary ?
a) 3cm b) 4CM C) 6cm
195) Where is baggage x-ray operation commonly used in ?
a) Hotel, bars restraints
b) Airports , Government buildings , Tourist attractions
c) None of these
196) What does the WTMD do when it triggers a metallic object on walk through?
a) Send a radio message to the operator
b) Alert the operator by a bleep bleep alert
c) Nothing
197) If a detection is made using the baggage X-ray machine what further action must be taken?
a) carry out a physical search of the item to confirm the contents
b) Make a snap decision on whether the object needs further investigation
c) Do nothing and let the item through
198) Canine use is a highly affective tool in the search for what?
a) Alcohol, cigarettes b) Explosives , Narcotics, cash c) None of the mentioned
199) Canine use is most affective in what locations?
a) Schools, Universities b) Airports, ports National borders c) Cinema’s office
199) Canine use is most affective in what locations?
a) Schools, Universities b) Airports, ports National borders c) Cinema’s office
200) Before conducting a physical body search what do you need to gain?
a) trust b) a signature c) Consent