301) What is a tiger kidnap?
a) Kidnap of a relative to force someone to carry out a crime to ensure the safety of the
kidnapped person
b) Kidnapping a tiger to sell to the highest bidder
c) A striped shawl that is stolen to order for rich women
302) What is the main business of a high street bank?
a) Arrange the delivery and collection of plastic cards
b) Buy sell cars and offer tea or coffee to customers
c) Cash transition and arranging loans.
303) What makes banks an easy target for crime?
a) The alarms don’t when there’s power cut
b) They are easily accessible by members of the public
c) They don’t have bars across the windows and doors
304) What is the first line of security at the local bank ?
a) The security guard b) The bank tiller c) The steel bank doors
305) What asset would larger banks have to protect themselves?
a) armed guards b) Security control room c) A computerized safe
306) What items do banks have to assist security measures?
a) Hostile vehicle bollards- CCTV monitoring security lighting
b) Landscape design- security staff rules of entry no helmets sunglasses etc
c) Both A and B
307) Banks have security measures to detect , deter and deny potential criminals from
attempting hostile activity? ( Yes/ No/ Maybe)
308) Nonverbal communication CCTV screening entry control silent alarms are collectively
known as ?
a) Overt security measures b) Covert security measures c) Passive security measures
309) How do bank s helps deter the chances of being attacked in working hours?
a) Posted opening times list of employees on holiday
b) Bank security staff on duty – trained bank staff on duty
c) Shorter opening hours- hotline to polices HQ
310) Why is there key control between the inner public zone and the private zone?
a) So only the bank manager can allow access
b) Prevent children from playing in there
c) Prevent unauthorized personnel from entering
311) Why do bank use security personnel?
a) Well trained security staff will always dater criminals from targeting the bank
b) Banks make so much profit they like to hire security staff as a way of saying thank you
to their customers
c) Banks always need to have a minimum number of personnel working there before they
can open
312) Identify the primary duties of bank security staff ?
a) Welcoming customers – showing people hoe to use the bank ATM’s doing
photocopying – Getting teas and coffees
b) Protecting property responding to security incidents reporting suspicious behavior
securing a crime scene
c) Doing crossword puzzles monitoring social media running errands making tea and coffee
313) Security staff can observe customers for type of clothing bags carried shapes under clothing
and bod language . this is called what?
a)Eyeing up the customer b) Customer validation c) Customer screening
314) Security staff can assist the bank by getting to know regular customers provide customer
services and direct customers around the bank these are known as what ?
a) General duties b)Secondary duties c) Dogs body duties
315)What does CIT stand for wrt bank security
a) Cash in transit b) Cash in tops c) Cash I take
315) What should bank security staff do when they don’t recognize CIT personnel?
a) Find out the Cit personnel’s name offer tea and coffee
b) Check body armour check vehicle is secure
c) Check all Id’s are valid documentation is correct
316) Besides physical targeting and armed attack banks can be the target of othe types of crime
what types ?
a) Stealing of office stationery
b) Fraud phishing counterfeit cheques
c) Tunneling under the bank stealing the ATM
317) Atm can be targeted specifically how?
a) The whole machine stolen
b) By someone fitting a card copying device
c) By Someone trying to hack into the software
318) What would be the target for fitting a card copying device to an ATM ?
a) Trying to steal personal identification numbers for cards
b) To make a spare copy of the card for a friend
c) To send the information to a friend
319) What is infection control?
a)The steps taken to reduce the chance of spreading infections diseases
b) The steps that should not taken to reduce the chance of spreading infectious diseases
c) Stand for away to ensure that you reduce the chance of spreading infectious diseases
320) What is a care giver?
a) Anyone responsible for providing food to patients and their families
b) Any one responsible for providing drinks to patients and their families
c) Any personnel responsible for providing services to patients and their families
321) What is a access zone?
a) Designated areas within a hospital requiring authorization and access credentials
b) An area put aside for unauthorized personnel
c) An undesignated areas within a hospital requiring authorization and access credentials
322) What type of potential hazards are there in a hospital?
a) Physical hazard , Biological , Trip hazard
b) Physical hazard , Biological , chemical hazard
c) Physical hazard , Biological , fall hazard
323) What type of items are placed into a sharps container?
a) Empty vials, Empty intravenous tubes , PPE, wipes , packaging
b) Blood , infectious waste , contaminated PPE, intravenous tubes
c) Needles broken glass, blades , razors, wires other sharps
323) What type of items are placed into a Biohazard container?
a) Empty vials, Empty intravenous tubes , PPE, wipes , packaging
b) Blood , infectious waste , contaminated PPE, intravenous tubes
c) Needles broken glass, blades , razors, wires other sharps
324) What type of items are placed into a Chemotherapy container?
a) Empty vials, Empty intravenous tubes , PPE, wipes , packaging
b) Blood , infectious waste , contaminated PPE, intravenous tubes
c) Needles broken glass, blades , razors, wires other sharps
325) What type of level access control has drop off points?
a) Public zone b)High security zone c) Staff zone
326) What types of level access control has break areas?
a) Public zone b)High security zone c) Staff zone
327) What type of level access control has IP wards?
a) Public zone b)High security zone c) Staff zone
328) What is the amber incident code?
a) Utility/ I.T failure b) Internal disaster c) Missing infant or child
329) What is the Green incident code?
a) Missing adult b) Weapon or hostage situation c) Internal disaster
330) What is the incident colour code for violent person?
a) Red b) Gold c) White
331) What are the common hospital incidents?
a) White , blue , stroke alert
b) Yellow , silver , heart attack
c) Pink , brown , broken bone
332) What does SCC mean?
a) Security, Control , Center
b) Security, Control , Club
c) Security , Control , Code
333) What is a code blue incident?
a) fire or smoke b) Sever weather c) Unresponsive adult medical emeg.
334) What is stage 1 of the evacuation drill inn the event of a fire?
a) Monitor the situation and be prepared to evacuate further
b) Evacuate the immediate area, maintain caregiving capabilities
c) Raise the alarm and remove all personnel from the area
335) What is stage 2 of the evacuation drill inn the event of a fire?
a) Monitor the situation and be prepared to evacuate further
b) Evacuate the immediate area, maintain caregiving capabilities
c) Raise the alarm and remove all personnel from the area
336) A slip and fall is what type of hazard?
a) Biological b) Chemical c) Physical
337) What is ERT?
a) Emergency response task
b) Emergency response team
c) Emergency responder task
338) What colour are critical hospital security codes?
a) White , Yellow, blue , Red
b) Green , Yellow , Blue , Red
c) Red ,Green , Orange
339) What is code red?
a) Power outage b) Fire c) Internal disaster
340) In response of a code orange you should carry out what first?
a) Leave the building straightly away
b) Occupy access control points at hospital entries
c) Contact the control room and wait for orders
341) What should you do with PPE after use?
a) through b) reuse c) store
342) Patient confidentially does what?
a) Allow every one to learn about a patients situation
b) Protect the patient personal information and details
c) It is not required and it is important for me to know what and why the patient is in
343) What is the definition of a special event?
a) A birthday party
b) An event which will have a large gathering of people in one place
c) A fancy dress new years event
344) How are numbers usually controlled at special events?
a) Ticketing- event tickets allow access no ticket no access
b) Stamping the hands of people as they arrive
c) Issuing a hat to wear
345) Who or what is the event sponsor?
a) The people in charge of catering
b) Anyone carrying a clipboard and looking important
c) The person/ organization that is funding the event for financial gain and or exposur
346) What does the acronym VOC stand for ?
a) Venue operations center
b) Very old contestant
c) Voice over challenge
347) Significant threats to event security could include?
a) Inappropriately dressed people
b) People sneaking in sandwiches or water
c) Fire-terrorism-crowd violence forced entry , alcohol drug abuse , child abduction ,
protests , criminal activity
348) what hazards could threaten a special event?
a) A blocked drain/ toilet
b) A door that is creaking
c) Sever weather . structural failure , hazardous materials , excessive, Noise fireworks
and lasers
349) Visitor security screening means?
a) A valid ticket or id not under the influence of alcohol. Drugs no prohibited items
b) Having a good look at the visitors
c) Checking the closed circuit TV screens for activity
350) What is a security zone?
a) Somewhere safe for the security staff to have a coffee
b) An area to conduct people searches
c) Event participant zone
351) An example of access control is?
a) Waving flags or banners
b) Turnstiles or gates
c) Regular patrols
352) You can slow down crowd surges with ?
a) Zigzagged barriers approaching an ACP
b) Popping balloons to simulate gunfire
c) Placing extra guards on the access gate
353) Who are security staff answerable to at a special evet?
a) The security supervisor
b) Police
354) All security staff at a special event must be able to access?
a) The staff toilets b) The Required action plans and resources
c) The wifi network for checking Instagram etc
355) What other important agency must security staff be aware of operating at a special event?
a) Special event entertainers b) Ambulance services c) Ice cream vans
356) What would be regarded as a critical incident at a special event ?
a) Birds flying into the event
b) Someone found seated in the wrong section
c) Anything that threatens the safety of personnel at the event
357) Special event security staff need to be aware of media personnel , why?
a) They often have access to certain areas and operate recording equipment
b) So if they find someone famous you can ask for a selfie
c) Who Are
358) Security professionalism at all times is important because?
a) It’s the law
b) Because you could be setting an example to young impressionable people
c) Security staff are often working under the public gaze
359) What health hazards could exist at a special event ?
a) Locked toilets b) Seating collapse c) Lots people coughing and sneezing
360) List 3 security static post roles at a special event?
a) Bird control- vehicle parking – hot dog queues
b) Security cameras- access control- bag search
c)Vehicle parking – bag search – crowd control
361) What common incidents can occur at special event?
a) People seated in wrong section – car alarms going off – visitors arriving under the
b) Lost child- lost phone – lost memory
c) Fighting PDA’s falling asleep
362) What would be needed to evacuate a section quickly and safely?
a) A map and a radio b) A map and a compass c) Required action and resources
363) What behavior should security staff should avoid to prevent negative media coverage?
a) being helpful and efficient
b) Checking social media whilst on duty
c) Smoking , eating drinking d) B and C
363) How would you deal with someone claiming to be a VIP?
a) Ask for a selfie and call your mates on the radio
b) Laugh and tell them to get to the back of the queue
c) Call the security manager for advice or to come and deal with the issue
373) How is sea port security enabled to prevent accidents and reduce the chance of injury?
a) Traffic management cones and speed bumps
b) First aid stations on every corner
c) Security is centralized with cctv cameras covering all areas
374) Critical incidents are a constant threat; How would be expected to respond to them mostly
a) First aid b) Police c)Firemen
375)Why might an airport be a key terrorist target?
a) A high value asset with lots of collateral ( people)
b) Planes are and easy target
c) You can just walk on / walk of an airport
376) What does ICAO stand for?
a) Institute of chartered aviation operators
b) Introducing challenging areas outside
c) International civil aviation organization
377) What specific threats to airports are there?
a) Terrorism, organized crime , sabotage , cyber attacks
b) Petty crime , theft , pickpockets , illegal upgrades
c) Bad weather , kite flyers, traffic problems , natural disasters
378) What health and safety issues need considering by security staff at an airport?
a) Noise , jet exhaust, fuel spillages
b) No toilets , no first aid , no cafes
c) Slippery floors , long walkways , nosy tannoys
379) Airport security is enhanced by wearing ID, access cards and use of keys and locks ,
collectively termed what?
a) Internet b) Technology c) Farenheit
380) Airport security uses areas of responsibility to manage specific threats known as what?
a) Cells b) Parts c) Zones
381) Security zones are split into 2 major areas , what are these ?
a) Aerodrome and buildings
b) Airside and terminal
c) Airfield and shops
382) Airport security can consist of several agencies can you name 2 ?
a) Police and airline staff
b) Customs and border control
c) Both the above
383) Besides passenger check-in what other important step maintains airport security?
a) Duty free b) Costa c)Baggage check
384) Passenger inspection consists of 3 areas , what are these?
a) Checkpoint entry- inspection point – repacking zone
b) In, rummage ,out
c) Passport control ,baggage control, ticket control
385) Main duty as a checkpoint is?
a) Informing passengers of the rules and regulations
b) Laughing at what the passengers have packed
c) Making life as difficult as possible for the passenger
386) The main duty of the inspection point is?
a) X-ray operation and inspection
b) Checking for gold teeth and rings
c) Making sure passengers take their shoes off
387) The main duty of the repacking point is ?
a) Observing the mayhem that has been caused by the inspections
b) Stuffing passengers bags with anybody’s belongings
c) Ensuring passengers have all their belonging and clothing items
388) Who is allowed to search a female passenger?
a) A robot b) A female security officer c)Any security officer
389) What does ATC stand for ?
a) Air traffic control b) Another tom cat c) Air terminal community
390) What does FANR stand for?
a) Federal authority for nuclear regulation
b) Federal authority for nose regulations
c) Federal authority for noise regulation
391) What was the federal law number of 2009 regarding the peaceful uses of nuclear energy?
a) No 1 b) No 6 c) No 10
392) What does desalination do ?
a) It cleans water and makes it useful for watering plants
b) It cleans water and removes salt so that when its used to wash cars there is no marks
left on the paintwork
c) The removal of salt and minerals from salt water in order to make water drinkable
393) What are the three types of nuclear energy plants detectors?
a) Pocket , hand , automatic b) Sound , sight , smell c) Electric , hand , xray
394) What are the 4’ds?
a) Deter , detect , deny , delay b) Deter , detect , deny ,dely c) date doctor do
395) A critical incident in an oil and gas site is what ?
a) Explosion b) Theft c) breakdown
396) What is one responsibilities of the FANR?
a) Keeping the UAE in the for front of nuclear energy and providing a clean water supply
b) Issuing licenses to operate in the nuclear energy sector
c) Being responsible for the production of nuclear energy
397) What is the definition of desalination?
a) It cleans water and makes it useful for watering plants
b) It cleans water and removes salt so that when its used to wash cars there is no marks
left on the paintwork
c) The removal of salt and minerals from salt water in order to make water drinkable
398) What is the definition or critical infrastructure?
a) Assets that are essential for the functions of society and the economy
b) The removal of salt and minerals from salt water in order to make it drinkable
c) The production of electricity from source of energy such as oil , gas or nuclear reactors
399) What is the definition of power generation?
a) Assets that are essential for the functions of society and the economy
b) The removal of salt and minerals from salt water in order to make it drinkable
c) The production of electricity from source of energy such as oil , gas or nuclear
400) When was federal law no6 introduced by the FANR?
a) 2010 b) 2009 c) 2006