It is the main area of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration speed so strong that nothing , no any single specks or even radiation such as light can flee from it because it is so powerful to capture anything into its gravitational way. The related Philosopher predicted that an enough compact and compatible mass or opponent strong object can deform spacetime to form a black hole. Anything in the space time that can be squeezed in their surfaces that nothing can go out from the circle.
You must know the types of the black hole which are following : stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and miniature. The most commonly is known as the way to black hole forms is by stellar death.
- Stephen Hawking who was the genuine writer and predictor of Black Hole which was true what he thought and wrote in his book about black hole & space time. He shined a light on black holes, he was completely crippled and physically challenged man who died at age 76. He was the one who prodigious British theoretical cosmologist and became an international celebrity, died at his home in U.K. He could only to type on his type master using his cheek because his voice and all the body except cheek and eyes could work, but however his brain was outstanding. He wrote many things about the Black Hole, the temperature of 1.4 x 10-14 Kelvin. That's low. Almost absolute zero, but not quite. A solar mass black hole might have a temperature of only.The black hole would then lose the rest of its mass in a short amount of time as abrupt explosions