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Butter chicken – just to follow some steps! One Square Pan Baked !

  • Butter chicken – just to follow some steps!


    I may name this the butter chicken marinade even if you prior for marinade for this baked version! Why? Because the chicken is baking in the sauce for 45 minutes during which time enough flavour inclusion happens. But, you can marinade overnight if you’d like, to get even more flavoring into the flesh!

    • Chicken – The prevailing chicken to use for this one-pan baked version recipe is like bone-in chicken thighs. This is because they remain juicy for the 45 minute bake time required for the sauce to thicken and develop flavour. We make skinless (it’s easy, just to peel off ) to prevent the sauce too greasy.
    • Yoghurt – This is what makes the spices stick to the surface of the chicken. Use any plain hung yogurt. Not sweet but instead bit sour is the most and certainly not flavoured! Full fat is best, though lowfat can also be used.
  • Lemon juice – It can be squeezed or juice blender can be used to make lemon juice to add in the mixture. 
  • Ginger and garlic – Fresh, finely grated so you don’t have lumps in the sauce. Using paste out of a jar is not the same – it’s sour and the flavour is nowhere near as good!
  • Chilli powder – Pure & spicy that not mixed with any preservatives. Else, use cayenne pepper or KASTURI chili powder. Butter chicken isn’t spicy, we only use 1/2 teaspoon for a fair amount of sauce. But if you’re concerned, or use as per taste. 
  • Garam masala – An Indian curry spice mix widely available at regular grocery stores these days. Doesn’t cost any more than regular spices!
  • Other spices – Turmeric and cumin powder & chicken mix masala ( spices ) 
  • Salt – My original recipe doesn’t need salt in the marinade because it’s dipped and stirred in the sauce. Because we plonk-and-bake in this recipe, salt in the marinade is needed else the surface of the chicken is a bit bland. Without salt in the marinade , it tastes and smells raw after cooking too. 


Butter chicken curry sauce doesn’t call for many ingredients because the curry flavour comes from the chicken marinade.

  • Ghee is a type of clarified butter that is commonly used in Indian cooking, for intense buttery flavour. Kept in the pantry not fridge. Sold at regular grocery stores, or make your own, or just use butter.
  • Tomato passata – Pureed, strained pure tomatoes, sometimes labelled “tomato puree . It’s readily available in Australian supermarkets nowadays, alongside pasta sauces. Passata is excellent for making thick, smooth sauces. 
  • Cream – Thickened / heavy cream is best because it is thicker than regular cream. But regular cream will work too and if your sauce is a bit thinner than ideal at the end, just pop the pan back in the oven with just sauce in it for a few minutes (it thickens quickly).
  • Sugar – Just 1 1/2 teaspoons, to achieve the right flavour tone in the sauce.

The only difference between the baked and original butter chicken curry less salt (because I split it across the marinade and sauce) and less cream (because we get richness from the fat in the chicken plus the sauce doesn’t reduce quite as fast in the oven as it does on the stove).

How to make One-pan Baked Butter Chicken

As I said from the outset – put everything in the pan and shove it in the oven!!! OK, OK, there’s one or two minor little details to add to that.

  • Coat chicken – Mix the marinade ingredients in a bowl then toss to coat the chicken.
  • Mix the sauce ingredients in a baking pan.
  • Place the chicken in. Scrape out all the residual marinade and dab onto the skin. Don’t waste any of it, that’s all butter chicken flavour!
  • Bake for 45 minutes at 200°C / 400°F (180°C fan-forced), basting at the 30 minutes and 40 minute mark. We need a slightly hot oven to get good colour on the chicken and reduce the sauce.

  • Basting – Basting just means spooning sauce over the chicken. After the 2nd baste at the 40 minute mark, I like to put the chicken back in so it browns nicely.
  • Done! When you pull it out of the oven, the surface of the chicken should be golden and the sauce will have transformed from the unremarkable looking pink watery mixture you mixed up at the beginning into your favourite butter chicken sauce!

बटर चिकन - केहि चरणहरूमा!

चिकन  MARINADE (तर कुनै MARINATING आवश्यक छैन!)

 यसलाई बटर चिकन मैरिनेड भन्न जारी राख्नेछुयद्यपि तपाईले यो बेक्ड संस्करणको लागि म्यारिनेड गर्न आवश्यक छैनकिनकिनभने कुखुराले 45 मिनेटको लागि चटनीमा बेक गरिरहेको  जुन समयमा पर्याप्त स्वाद इन्फ्युजन हुन्छ। तरयदि तपाईं चाहनुहुन्छभनेतपाईं रातभर मारीनेड गर्न सक्नुहुन्छमासुमा अझ बढी स्वाद प्राप्त गर्न!

चिकन - यो एक-प्यान बेक्ड संस्करणको लागि प्रयोग गर्नको लागि सबैभन्दा राम्रो कुखुरा भनेको हड्डीमा रहेको चिकन जांघ हो। योकिनभने तिनीहरू 45 मिनेट बेक समयको लागि रसदार रहन्छन् ससलाई गाढा बनाउन  स्वाद विकास गर्न आवश्यक छ। चटनीलाई धेरैचिल्लो हुनबाट रोक्नको लागि हामी छाला हटाउँछौं (यो सजिलो यसलाई मात्र फ्याँक्नुहोस्) अन्य कुखुराका विकल्पहरू - ड्रमस्टिक्स (उत्कृष्ट), हड्डीविहीन जांघ (जति राम्रो छैन तर काम गर्नेछ), स्तन (बाइट साइजको टुक्रामेरो कम मनपर्ने) मैले रेसिपीनोटहरूमा यी प्रत्येकका लागि निर्देशनहरू समावेश गरेको छु।

दही - यसले कुखुराको सतहमा मसला टाँसिएको हुन्छ। कुनै पनि सादा दही प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्। मीठो छैन  निश्चित रूपमा स्वाद छैनफुल फ्याट उत्तम होयद्यपि कम फ्याटले पनि काम गर्छ।

कागतीको रस - ट्याङको स्पर्शको लागि। एप्पल साइडर सिरकाले पनि काम गर्नेछ (वा अन्य हल्का स्पष्ट सिरका - सेतो वाइनसिरका आदि)

अदुवा  लसुन - ताजाबारीक पिसेको ताकि तपाईं चटनीमा गाँठो नहोस्। जारबाट टाँस्नु भनेको समान होइन - यो अमिलो   स्वादकतै राम्रो छैन!

मिर्च पाउडर - शुद्ध  मसलादारयूएस टेक्स-म्याक्स चिली मिश्रण होइन। अन्यथालाल मिर्च प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्। बटर चिकनमसालेदार हुँदैनहामी चटनीको उचित मात्राको लागि 1/2 चम्चा मात्र प्रयोग गर्छौं। तर यदि तपाईं चिन्तित हुनुहुन्छ भनेयसलाईछोड्नुहोस्।

गरम मसाला - एक भारतीय करी मसलाको मिश्रण आजकल नियमित किराना पसलहरूमा व्यापक रूपमा उपलब्ध छ। नियमितमसला भन्दा बढी लागत छैन!

अन्य मसला - बेसार  जीरा पाउडर।

नुन - मेरो मौलिक बटर चिकन रेसिपीलाई म्यारिनेडमा नुन चाहिँदैन किनभने यसलाई चटनीमा उमालेर पकाइन्छ। किनभने हामी यसनुस्खामा प्लनक-एन्ड-बेक गर्छौंमरिनेटमा नुन चाहिन्छ अन्यथा कुखुराको सतह अलि नरम हुन्छ।

बटर चिकेन करी सस

बटर चिकन करी ससले धेरै सामग्रीहरूको लागि कल गर्दैन किनभने करी स्वाद चिकन मारिनेडबाट आउँछ।

घिउ एक प्रकारको स्पष्ट मक्खन हो जुन सामान्यतया भारतीय खाना पकाउन प्रयोग गरिन्छतीव्र माक्खन स्वादको लागि। फ्रिजमाहोइन पेन्ट्रीमा राखियो। नियमित किराना पसलहरूमा बेच्नुहोस्वा आफ्नै बनाउनुहोस्वा केवल मक्खन प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्।

टमाटर पासाटा - शुद्धतानिएको शुद्ध टमाटरकहिलेकाहीँ "टमाटर प्यूरीलेबल गरिन्छ। यो आजकल अष्ट्रेलियालीसुपरमार्केटहरूमा पास्ता ससहरूसँगै सजिलै उपलब्ध छ। बाक्लोचिल्लो सस बनाउनको लागि पासटा उत्कृष्ट छ।

क्रीम - बाक्लो / भारी क्रीम सबै भन्दा राम्रो  किनभने यो नियमित क्रीम भन्दा बाक्लो छ। तर नियमित क्रीमले पनि काम गर्नेछ  यदितपाईंको चटनी अन्तमा आदर्श भन्दा अलि पातलो  भनेकेवल ओभनमा प्यानलाई केही मिनेटको लागि मात्र चटनीमा पप गर्नुहोस् (योचाँडै बाक्लो हुन्छ)

चिनी - केवल 1 1/2 चम्मचचटनीमा सही स्वाद टोन प्राप्त गर्न।

बेक्ड  मौलिक बटर चिकन करीमा कम नुन (किनकि मैले यसलाई मरिनेट  ससमा विभाजित गरेको छु कम क्रीम (किनभने हामीकुखुराको बोसोबाट समृद्धि पाउँछौं  चटनीमा चाँडो कम गर्दैन। चुलोमा जस्तै चुलो)

कसरी वन-प्यान बेक्ड बटर चिकन बनाउने

मैले सुरुबाट भनेझैं - सबै चीज प्यानमा राख्नुहोस्  यसलाई चुलोमा हाल्नुहोस् !!! ठीक ठीक यसमा थप्नको लागि त्यहाँ एक वादुई साना साना विवरणहरू छन्।

कोट चिकन - एक कचौरा मा marinade सामग्री मिलाउनुहोस् त्यसपछि चिकन कोट गर्न टस।

बेकिंग प्यानमा सस सामग्रीहरू मिलाउनुहोस्।

कुखुरालाई भित्र राख्नुहोस्। सबै अवशिष्ट मैरिनेड बाहिर निकाल्नुहोस्  छालामा ट्याप गर्नुहोस्। यसमा कुनै पनि बर्बाद नगर्नुहोस्योसबै बटर चिकन स्वाद हो!

* 200°C / 400°F (180°C फ्यान-फोर्स्डमा 45 मिनेट बेक गर्नुहोस्, 30 मिनेट  40 मिनेट चिन्हमा बेस्ट गर्नुहोस्। कुखुरामा राम्रोरंग प्राप्त गर्न  चटनी कम गर्न हामीलाई थोरै तातो ओवन चाहिन्छ।

बास्टिङ - बास्टिङ भनेको कुखुरामाथि चम्मच चटनी हाल्नु हो। 40 मिनेटको अंकमा दोस्रो बास्ट पछिमलाई कुखुरालाई फेरि भित्रराख्न मन पर्छ ताकि यो राम्रोसँग खैरो हुन्छ।

सकियोजब तपाइँ यसलाई ओभनबाट बाहिर निकाल्नुहुन्छकुखुराको सतह सुनौलो हुनुपर्छ  चटनी तपाईले सुरुमा तपाइँको मनपर्नेबटर चिकन चटनीमा मिसाउनुभएको अविस्मरणीय देखिने गुलाबी पानीको मिश्रणबाट परिणत हुनेछ!

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