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TikTok Banned In Nepal ! Country Goes Down To Poverty ???

KATHMANDU, Nepal — TikTok Banned in Nepal

Nepal's government decided to ban the popular social media app TikTok on Monday 13 November 2023, saying it was dismembering" disrupting social harmony" over the country. 

The advertisement was made as following by a Cabinet meeting. Foreign Minister Narayan Prakash Saud said the app would be banned incontinently. 

" The government has decided to ban TikTok as it was necessary to regulate the use of the social media platform that was dismembering social harmony, goodwill and inflow of nasty accoutrements ," Saud said. 

Nepal has said it'll ban TikTok, citing negative goods on the country’s “ social harmony ”. 

The popular videotape- participating platform, which has around a billion yearly users, has faced restrictions in numerous countries for contended breaches of data rules and for the potentially dangerous impact on youth of some content. 

“ The decision to ban was made moment, and applicable authorities are presently addressing the specialized issues, ” the minister for dispatches and information technology, Rekha Sharma, said on Monday. 

Regulation is necessary to all the countries but  to discourage those who abuse social media, but shutting down social media in the name of regulation is fully wrong.

1 more disadvantage that residents in Nepal were at least earning money using TIKTOK and they won’t earn after it has been been banned. Government of Nepal focuses on negatively the people’s prosperity while they don’t want to resolve the problem or corruption. 

Nepal will go more down to the poverty and there is no problem for leaders/ politicians but instead public within Nepal  be caused as victim. 

काठमाडौंनेपाल –

नेपाल सरकारले सोमबार १३ नोभेम्बर २०२३ मा लोकप्रिय सामाजिक सञ्जाल एप टिकटकलाई देशमा "सामाजिक सद्भावमा खललपार्नेभन्दै प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने निर्णय गरेको छ।

मन्त्रिपरिषद्को बैठकले यस्तो विज्ञापन जारी गरेको हो  परराष्ट्रमन्त्री नारायण प्रकाश साउदले उक्त एपलाई अनैतिक रुपमा प्रतिबन्धलगाउने बताए 

"सरकारले सामाजिक सद्भावसद्भावना  अभद्र व्यवहारको प्रवाहलाई बिगार्ने सामाजिक सञ्जाल प्लेटफर्मको प्रयोगलाई नियमन गर्नआवश्यक भएकाले टिकटकमा प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने निर्णय गरेको हो," साउदले भने।

नेपालले देशको "सामाजिक सद्भावमा नकारात्मक वस्तुहरू उल्लेख गर्दै टिकटकलाई प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने बताएको छ।

लोकप्रिय भिडियो टेप-सहभागी प्लेटफर्मजसमा लगभग एक अरब वार्षिक प्रयोगकर्ताहरू छन्डेटा नियमहरूको विवादित उल्लङ्घन केही सामग्रीको युवाहरूमा सम्भावित खतरनाक प्रभावको लागि धेरै देशहरूमा प्रतिबन्धहरूको सामना गरेको छ।

प्रतिबन्ध लगाउने निर्णय क्षणभरमै भएको हो प्रचलित अधिकारीहरूले अहिले विशेष समस्यालाई सम्बोधन गरिरहेका छन्,’ प्रशारणतथा सूचना प्रविधिमन्त्री रेखा शर्माले सोमबार बताइन् 

सामाजिक सञ्जालको दुरुपयोग गर्नेलाई निरुत्साहित गर्न सबै देशलाई नियमन आवश्यक तर नियमनको नाममा सामाजिकसञ्जाल बन्द गर्नु सरासर गलत हो 

नेपालका बासिन्दाहरूले TIKTOK प्रयोग गरेर कम्तीमा पनि पैसा कमाउँदै आएका थिए  यो प्रतिबन्ध लगाइएपछि उनीहरूलेकमाउँदैनन् भन्ने  थप बेफाइदा। नेपाल सरकारले जनताको समृद्धिमा नकारात्मक ध्यान केन्द्रित गरेको  भने समस्या वा भ्रष्टाचारसमाधान गर्न नचाहेको  

नेपाल झनै गरिबीको चपेटामा जान्छ  नेता/राजनेतालाई कुनै समस्या छैन बरु नेपाल भित्रका जनता पीडित बन्ने छन् 

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