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The three greatest enemies of our health

The three greatest enemies of our health 

Now new among doctors all over the world the debate is going on. On the one hand some doctor disease emphasis on the use of medicine and healing methods for healing are giving Other doctors said Many diseases can be cured through diet are saying. No matter what they say, with the right food No one knows that it has a major impact on our health Do not have two votes. Later on drug treatment Aforesaid before the onset of disease rather than wealth If spent on food, cancer, heart attack and Also listen to the idea that diseases like diabetes can be avoided found Recently one of Axis My India The survey said something else. According to the survey, 44 Indians in drug treatment Expenses have increased. 16 percent of non-Indians Necessary expenses have increased.

Can the cost of drug treatment be reduced? 

One of the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy According to the survey, Indians do on health About 48 percent of the total expenditure is on medicines and They do it in treatment. 45 percent share is fitness They do it in supplements. That is, more than disease prevention Expenses are being spent on treatment of diseases. Journal of Published in Family Medicine and Primary Care According to a research report, treatment is superior 2.2 percent Indians due to expenses They are pushed below the poverty line. Health Non-participation in insurance and only after the condition worsens Because of the tendency of people to seek treatment There is a situation where all the assets have to be spent on treatment. Treated with health insurance and proper diet Expenses can be reduced.

Three enemies of health 

Recently, with the increase in the disposable income of Nepalese, the trend of eating out has increased. Most households in urban areas tend to eat in restaurants and hotels. The consumption of packaged foods in the market has increased more than natural foods. 

But these foods contain elements that are considered dangerous from the point of view of health. 

High sodium 

Recently, hypertension patients are increasing worldwide. Hypertension is the biggest contributor to heart disease. Hypertension is caused by high sodium or high salt foods. The amount of salt in outside food can be very high. Don't just get a burger. A burger contains 400 to 500 grams of sodium. The World Health Organization has said that consuming more than 2,000 grams of sodium per day is harmful. In other words, eating a single burger fulfills a quarter of the daily salt quota

 Too much sugar Consumption

Everyone knows the dangers of consuming too much sugar is But many people ignore it. A 200 ML cold drink contains 22 grams of sugar. More than 24 grams per day, according to the World Health Organization It is advised not to eat sugar. Too much sugar or candy The risk of diseases such as diabetes increases with substance consumption can Which causes premature aging There is a situation where the memory starts to weaken. 

High saturated fat 

The third biggest enemy for health is saturated fat and trans fat. Hotel restaurants use the same oil again and again to fry food. Such foods increase the risk of heart disease. A study by the National Library of Medicine showed that trans fat can cause diseases such as cancer.

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