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Why are the fingers and toes swollen in winter? How to avoid this?

Why are the fingers and toes swollen in winter? How to avoid this?

Dermatologist Professor Dr. Dharmendra Karn
says, 'Swelling of fingers and toes in the winter months is called 'chilblains',' he adds, 'Even though it is usually called an allergy, it is not an allergy.'

As winter progresses, our blood vessels constrict. After it shrinks, it expands itself according to the body's own mechanism. But the narrowed blood vessels of some people do not stay in the same condition. Karna says. This problem is usually seen in women and it is seen more in people who diet, drink less water, eat less junk food, smoke, and have thyroid problems. Karna says. 

He also suggested that this problem seen in winter should not be taken for granted. If this problem is seen more than one year or every year, it may be related to rheumatism and thyroid. Karna says.

Dr. According to Karna, in order to avoid the problem of swollen hands and feet, one should drink a lot of water, eat a lot of loose food, stay in a warm room, wear gloves and socks, and keep moving the hands and feet from time to time. Moving your arms and legs from time to time will improve blood circulation. 

After the finger is swollen, it is not necessary to fry it in heat. Karna's suggestion. When baked in heat, it causes more swelling and cracking. After swelling, it is better to immerse your hands and feet in warm water with salt, he advises. 

He says that 'moist heat' is good but 'dry heat will increase the problem. You can dip your hands and feet in lukewarm water, but it is not good to fry them in fire and heater.

After immersing your hands and feet in lukewarm water, you should immediately apply 'moisturizer'. If the wound is already there, go to the nearest health institution or doctor and get it checked by Dr. Karna's suggestion.

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